Resources for Pet Owners

Maine Veterinarians want to provide pet owners not only with the best possible care for their own animals, but also to strengthen programs which care for less fortunate animals.

Such programs include local dog licensing, spay-neuter programs, the State of Maine’s Animal Welfare program, and state and local efforts to prevent animal abuse.

The Animal Legal Defense Fund ranks Maine as one of the five best states in the country (along with California, Illinois, Michigan and Oregon) for our laws protecting animals. Maine veterinarians helped pass many of these protective laws and programs, and are proud of this ranking.

However, these laws and programs are only as effective as our citizens make them. We hope that the information and links on this website will assist you in helping us care for Maine’s animals.


Find a Vet


24 Hour Emergency Clinics

Help Fix ME! Maine's Low Cost Spay/Neuter Program

Maine Animal Welfare

Partnership for Healthy Pets - a resource for every pet owner

Tick Identification Service from the UMaine Cooperative Extention

Coupon Chief has some suggestions on how to save money on your pets